GIRL!!!! We had our 20 week gender ultrasound July 26 and found out we are having a girl!!! Olivia Michelle Pressley will be joining our growing family right before Christmas. I am so super excited it isn't funny. My husband is getting there but is a bit nervous about having a girl. He said he feels like it is his first baby all over again. lol.
*My view at 17 weeks.*
I already had a very strong feeling since this pregnancy has been completely different than my other two with the boys. I also had 2 dreams about her before we had even talked about having anymore babies. What was crazy is we didn't even have the name Olivia picked out on our list of favorite names but in the dreams I had that was her name. We discussed it when I got pregnant back in march and both really liked it so decided that would be it. We didn't pick out any boys names because I really felt like it was a girl.
*Baby girl at 19 weeks.*
The ultrasound went really well. It is always so sweet to see our sweet babe on that screen. We did find out that the umbilical cord is what they call a 2 vein cord instead of a 3 vein cord. See a normal umbilical cord is made of 2 arteries and 1 vien making it a 3 vein cord. My umbilical cord only has 1 artery and 1 vein, hence the name 2 vein cord(2VC). The ultrasound tech also couldn't get good views of certain things like the spinal cord and they saw a few more small abnormalities so they referred us to a specialist.

*Baby girl sucking her thumb. We got to actually watch her raise it up
to her mouth and start sucking. Her whole bottom jaw was going so fast.
lol It was so cool though.*
When they found the 2VC, my doctor suggested I take the genetic blood disorder tests just to make sure nothing came up. It is a simple test where they test for Trisomy 21, 28, and down syndrome among other ones. I had never taken that with my other 2 pregnancies and had originally declined it with this one but the dr said it would be better to be safe than sorry so we went ahead and did it. Thankfully, all of that came back negative.

*The it's a girl shot! Really had to see in this picture but if you look to
the right that is a shot from under her booty of her girl parts and legs.
That blob to the left is part of the placenta.*
Once we found out about the 2VC and the other abnormalities, I immediately starting asking my family and friends to pray. The response was overwhelming and really conforting! I love having such awesome friends and family! I prayed and believed that sweet Olivia was perfect and whole in God's eyes and that no matter what she was the way God wanted her. Don't get me wrong, I was concerned but knowing she and I am in God's hands no matter what is so comforting.
*Olivia's face and arm in 4D. This was the best profile we could get
since she had her hand in her face the whole time.*
I went to the specialist on August 7 by about being nervous! Jeremy's work has been slow and that week they actually had work so we knew he needed to go. I made sure my appointment was first thing in the morning so I wouldn't be nervous about it all day. A very nice ultrasound tech did a very in depth ultrasound. We even got a few shots of Olivia in 4D! She had her little fists right up to her face so we didn't get too many shots of that but we were able to see everything else. The doctor then came in and explained that they saw nothing out of the ordinary except for the 2VC! He said sometimes with a 2VC the babies have kidney or heart issues but that our little girl looked perfect and he cleared me from having to come see him again. We are so thankful the Lord is looking after me and our little girl as she grows in me.
*Another 4D ultrasound shot. Olivia with her mouth open.
I think she was looking for her thumb again.*
I have my next regular checkup appointment next Friday, August 24 at which they will listen for the heartbeat and give me the super sugary drink for my glucose test at the next appointment. It is super exciting to me that I am halfway through this pregnancy! I am so super excited to meet my little girl! I have been sewing and making things for her lately. :) I love it!
*Lovely group of girly blankets and sheets I got
at the thrift store to use for projects.*
Thanks for stopping by. Sorry this is almost a month late. lol Life has been busy.
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