So after yesterday's venting post to clear my head I wanted to bring some more cheer to today. You see I have been blessed with two of the most awesome little boys anyone could ever ask for and I don't appreciate them enough. I just want to take today to brag about how wonderful they are! So here goes!!!
Touch a Truck event. |
Sullivan's Island |
Dirty feet after being at Daddy's work for awhile. |
Sullivan's Island |
My oldest amazing little boy is Jonah. He just had a birthday last week and is 5 now. He is 46 inches tall and about 40 lbs. He wears a size 4 in shirts and 5 in pants since he is so tall. He wears a shoe size 12 or 13. He can count to 30 and say/sing his alphabet. He loves to draw or do any kind of art and I love that about him. He is an awesome big brother most of the time but in a snap can instantly turn to being mean to him. He is in the Treehouse class at our church, Newspring, and LOVES it. He is very shy around strangers but since he turned 5 he is starting to talk more when someone says hello to him. I love that he is coming out of his shell! He is an awesome sleeper and goes to sleep quickly but usually ends up in bed with Jeremy and I because he gets scared. I hate that he is in that scared of ever noise stage and hope he gets out of it fast. He LOVES doing anything with his Daddy but his favorite right now is fishing or playing video games. He loves all of his family and loves going places with them. Overall, he is just an amazing little person. I love that I get to be his Mommy.
Enjoying Grandma's bbq chicken legs. |
Playing in the rocks outside. |
Playing with shaving cream. |
On his 5th birthday. |
My youngest amazing little boy is Tucker. He turned 2 at the end of June and is growing and learning like crazy. He is about 35 inches tall and about 30 lbs. He wears size 2T/3T in shirts and pants. He wears a shoe size . He still has a blanket he sleeps with and LOVES milk. We go through almost 3 gallons of milk a week sometimes. He is still in diapers but I hope to have him potty trained soon before Olivia is born. He is in a racecar toddler bed and sleeps well once he goes to sleep but takes awhile to fall asleep. I have tried to cut out his naps but he usually gets so sleepy in the afternoons that he passes out wherever he is playing. He is starting to count and can pretty much count to 10 but also knows some other numbers. He is starting to learn the alphabet and can sing it almost all the way through. He is still struggling with colors but knows his body parts well. He is in Pop's Garage at our church and LOVES it. I love that both our boys love church! He loves playing with Jonah and has to do everything he does at least once which is good and bad. He loves to do anything with his brother and Daddy. Every morning he still has to cuddle with Mommy with his milk and blanket which I love. He doesn't meet a stranger and will give anyone a smile. Overall, he is another amazing little person. I love that I get to be his Mommy too!
Playing at Toys R Us |
Handsome blue eyes playing outside |
Showing me he's a big boy |
Cuddling with Mommy |
These little boys of mine are one of the most precious gifts I have been given from above. They teach me new things everyday about myself. They show me what unconditional love is really like. They teach me how to forgive quickly. They show me how to forget housework and focus on playtime. They challenge and bend me in so many different ways that I never knew possible. I have truly become a different person since having them and I am so thankful. They are alot of work but its also very rewarding work. They drain me everyday of almost all my energy but I thank God they are healthy enough to do so.
With Daddy at the Greenville Zoo |
Making a bubble hat |
Sitting together at Gran Gran's house |
On a bear at the Greenville Zoo |
I pray Jeremy and I raise them to be Godly men who love and respect themselves as well as others. I pray that they grow up to be best friends who look out for each other and Olivia. I pray that they grow to be: kind, loving to others, tough skinned, slow to anger, quick to forgive, quick to seek God for all answers, merciful to others, helpers to all, and many more things. I pray for their safety and well keeping everyday. I pray they continue to grow and have healthy bodies.
Handsome smiles while playing outside |
Being silly together |
Reading Bible stories before bed |
In front of helicopter at Touch a Truck |
These little boys of mine are just precious to me and I hope I show them that. I am trying to take more time with them everyday and show them how wonderful they are. I love watching them grow and develop personalities. I know I am blessed to be their Mommy and can't wait to continue to watch them grow. I am thankful God chose me to be their Mommy!
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