So I started this post over a month ago. Being 34 weeks pregnant with my third baby, trying to keep up with 2 very active little boys, cooking, cleaning, crafting, making Christmas gifts, getting ready for baby girls arrival in a few weeks, trying to be a great wife, and somedays just trying to survive have been taking up my days. Top all that off with not feeling the greatest all the time and you have one exhausted Momma. I do not mean for this to come off as complaining. I am super thankful for all God has blessed me with for I know it can all be taken away in an instant but responsibility comes with work. Not all bad work but work none the less.
Anyways, I wanted to share some projects I have been working on. Hopefully one day I will have time to sit down and actually do some tutorial posts for some things but for now pictures of my completed projects will have to do. I have a list of things I want to get done before Olivia arives and I am almost done. Here's a photo of my list with things marked out that are completed:
This picture was taken a month ago. I have since completed the diaper bag and crib comforter. A few things got marked off since I found them in thrift stores or I had them given to us from friends.
Here's the completed items for Olivia:
Portable changing mat. Top picture is folded. Bottom is unfolded. One side is a terry cloth towel and the other is decorative cotton fabric. I saw one like this online, can't remember where, and like the towel backing for easy cleanup. The strap has velcro for easy closing to store in the diaper bag.
Terry cloth towel: $1 from the Dollar Tree
Decorative fabric: 1/8 of a queen sized bed sheet about $0.75
Velcro: Already in my stash
Total: roughly $1.75
Stretchy monogrammed blanket. It is just 2 yards of fabric cut in half and sewed together. The fabric is a jersey cotton knit that is stretchy but since I did it in two layers it is not that stretchy. I found the fabric on the clearance rack at my local Wal-mart. I used a loose zigzag stitch to sew around the letters. I love how it turned out.
Leopard jersey fabric: $3 for 2 yards
Pink material for letters: Already in my stash
Total: $3
Little tanktop dress. This is a size 3-6 month so I will need to put a long sleeve onesie and tights under it. It turned out really cute and I can't wait to see her in it!
3-6 month tank top: out of 3 pack of tanks I bought and made for a gift. About $0.83.
Purple skirt material, O material, Purple ribbon: Out of my stash
Total: Roughly $0.83
Hair clips. I whipped these up in less than 10 minutes using materials I already had. I bought a white stretchy headband and little pink bow from a local crafter over the weekend and was inspired to make more clips for the headband. I love how all of these turned out and can't wait to make more!
Total: FREE
Winter carseat cover. Outside is the same material used in the portable changing mat. Inside is a soft white fleece to keep Olivia warm when walking to and from the car or on trips outside. It can also be used as a plain blanket.
Fleece material and velcro on straps: out of my stash
Decorative material: 1/4 of a queen sized bedsheet, about $1.00
Total: Roughly $1.00
Going home outfit. I saw something like this in an Etsy shop but didn't want to pay $35 for it plus I knew I could make it with a onesie I already had. I am planing on making her a hairclip to go with it. I may add a pink ribbon around the waist but not sure yet.
Onesie: already in my stash
Decorative skirt material: Material remnant from Hobby Lobby, $1.50
Total: $1.50
Little sister onesie. I am loving how this turned out! This was another onesie I already had. Also used the queen sized bedsheet for this one. I like to use every piece of fabric I buy. :) I sewed the polka dotted material on but used permant Heat Bond for the letters and little flowers. The letters came out smaller than I anticipated so I was too nervous to sew around it. I need to figure out what to pair with this to make an outfit.
Onesie and all materials were in my stash: FREE!
Two different taggie blankets....O shaped and a square shaped patchwork one. These didn't turn out perfect but I know she won't care and I will know I made them with love. I love the patchwork one the best. Can you tell I'm enjoying using pink material?!
All materials were in my stash: FREE!
Cloth diapers. Top are regular sized. In the bottom picture, are newborn diapers. I tried a new newborn pattern and didn't like it so I went back to my old pattern. I used recieving blankets from the thrift store and a pillowcase to make the diapers in the top picture. The diapers in the bottom picture were made out of 4 tshirts.
2 tie-dyed tshirts: $2, Goodwill
2 striped shirts: FREE from my MIL
9 recieving blankets & a pillowcase: about $6, Miracle Hill thrift store
Elastic for leg parts: already in my stash
Total for 17 diapers: about $8
This is a quick baby sling I made. This was really simple to make. I didn't read the instructions well before I bought the material so I was able to make 2. I am not sure if I will like this kind of sling but a friend of mine is letting me use her Moby wrap. This material was also on the discounted racks at Walmart.
Total: $3 for 2 slings
2 pretty bibs. The backs have terry cloth for easy clean-ups. I love how these turned out and used all materials I had on hand.
Total: FREE
Olivia's diaper bag. I have used the same diaper bag with both my boys and loved the way its made. It is a Vera Wang that I got from a consignment sale really cheap and it has served its purpose well. As much as I love it, it is very stained now and it is green and blue. I saw some cute ones on Pinterest but nothing I truly thought I would love so I had this thought of trying to make one just like the one I used with the boys. I am super impressed with myself on how it turned out especially since the whole thing was made completely from scratch using just my brain. :) It has 3 outside pockets on one side and one big pocket on the inside. This was my first time sewing with batting and sewing on a zipper but they turned out great. The material was another discount find at Wal-mart....2 yards for $4. I didn't use the whole two yards. The zipper was from my stash.
Total cost: about $3.50
Front of Olivia's crib comforter/quilt. I LOVE how this turned out. I wanted her room to be very colorful and girly but not just all baby pinks. Below is a picture if how it looks against the crib bumper that a friend passed down to us...which I love too!
The bumper has small purple, pink, and light green flowers on it. I was going to make her bumper but when my friend showed me this one that she was getting rid of I absolutely loved it. I wasn't sure about what to do for her blanket and crib sheet. I was browsing some of my favorite blogs and came across a quilt that one of the ladies made for her new baby that will be here any day now. Once I saw that I knew that is what I wanted. So I raided my stash and went at it. I did have to buy batting but used a coupon at Hobby Lobby so it wasn't bad at all.
Total cost: $3 for batting
I had a few pieces of the rectangles I cut for the quilt left and wanted to do something with them. I had seen this idea for embroidery hoop art using fabric and really like the idea so I decided to do that.
Total cost: $4.56
--I haven't forgotten my boys in all this fun baby girl stuff. :) Here's a few things I have made for them:
Big brother shirts for both boys. I wanted the embroidery on these to be kinda rough and I really like how these turned out. The number part I added at the last minute but I just think its too cute.
Total cost: Free. Used all materials that were in my stash.
Tucker's new bag for church. I am hoping to have him potty trained in the next few weeks but I don't know if that is gonna happen with the way I have been feeling. We'll see. It would be nice to not have two kids in diapers at one time. Anyways, I wanted to make him a new bag for his church class since the diaper bag I use is pretty big. I made it just big enough for a few diapers, wipes case, and a sippy cup. He loves it and can't wait to go to church even more now!
Total cost: FREE using materials already on hand.
Jonah's birthday shirt. I whipped this together the morning of his party! We were out of town that week visiting my parents until the day before and I honestly forgot to make it before we left. Once we got back I wasn't going to worry about it but I found this plain shirt in his dresser and made this in less than 5 minutes.
Total cost: FREE
--I also made a few things as gifts for some friends. Here they are in no certain order:
2 bibs, a paci clip, and portable diaper changing pad. I made this for a friend's new baby girl who is due to arrive a week before Olivia.
Total cost: FREE
Another portable diaper changing pad, baby blanket, and taggie blanket. I made this for a good friend and bandmate of my husband whose family just had little boy.
Total cost: FREE
Little girls art smock. I made this for a friend's little girl's 2nd birthday.
Total cost: Free
Reversible apron, fabric basket, pretty washcloths, and fabric coasters. I made this for a friend and her husband's house warming party. I wrapped it all up and labeled each one with pretty little gift tags and placed it all in the fabric basket.
Total cost: FREE
Apron. This was a requested item made for a friend of mine. She saw one I made for the house warming gift above and really liked it. I'm not going to include the cost in this one since she paid me for it.
Well that is all I have to share for today! I do still have a few projects to finish but nothing major left. I hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend!

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