Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Olivia's birth story: Part 2

This is part 2 of Olvia's labor and delivery story.  I will be sharing alot of pictures in this post.  Like I said in part 1 of this story, this is mainly for my memories but enjoy sharing this with others as well.  Please enjoy!

Tuesday morning I woke up around 5:20 a.m. really excited to meet my little girl yet anxious for the induction part.  I was definitely ready to get the day going!  I got dressed and made sure I had all my hospital stuff together and at the door ready to be taken out.  At 5:45, I called the Labor & Delivery department at the hospital to check for when to come in.  They told us to go ahead and head up there! I was very excited as we told my parents bye and headed out the door.

Last pregnancy picture.  Can't believe how big I was!

 We got to the hospital and got all checked in and I got an IV.  We had an AWESOME nurse who was amazing and hilarious at the same time.  She started the pitocin around 6:30 a.m.  I had heard from most of my friends that since I was being induced it would probably take longer so I had prepared myself for a long day.  The contractions slowly started and gradually got a bit more noticable.  I wasn't in much pain just felt a good bit of pressure in my back.  **Side note, I had back contractions with all 3 of my babies.  VERY painful and so uncomfortable since you are mostly on your back with an epidural.  I was on my side a good bit as well but still so uncomfortable.**  Around 8 or 8:30 a.m., the contractions started getting much more painful so I let my nurse know.  She found out the anesthesiologist was in the next room so we went ahead and ordered the epidural.  He came in about 10 minutes later and put in the epidural.  He was super fast and friendly which made the whole process of a needle going into my back much less painful.  I started feeling the anesthesia pretty much right away.  After that I was much better!

During all this time, I was dialating very well and much quicker than I anticipated.  Around 9:30 a.m., I felt a much different feeling......um down there in my lady part.  Ahem, excuse the tmi but I don't know how else to describe it! I called my nurse to come and check me.  She said I was 10 cm and ready to push!!! Boy did my heart start racing then!  Thankfully, my dr was right outside the door just waiting for the call and came right in.  I started feeling a huge amount of pressure down there and really focused on not pushing until my dr was ready.  The dr set up quickly and told me to go ahead and start pushing.  I pushed and would stop for a few seconds to breath then back at pushing.  It only took about 3 big pushes and Olivia was here!!!!  Praise the Lord, I had a very small tear but didn't need any stitches. 

Olivia came out completely beautiful! She didn't cry until they started messing with her.  She had dark hair and dark blue eyes.  She was 7 lbs 7 oz and 21 inches long.  The nurses cleaned her up and quickly gave her back.  My mom and dad were waiting outside with Jonah and Tucker so once we were all cleaned up they rushed in.  Jonah was SUPER EXCITED to see Olivia and Tucker was very curious as to who Mommy was holding.  They both held Olivia and we all just enjoyed our few moments of just us.  I was so amazed that Olivia was here before 10 a.m.!!!! I was seriously in shock for quite awhile and just kept staring at her.  She was just perfect.  Jeremy was an amazing support during all my labors and this one was no exception.  He is always close enough when I need him but far enough for the nurses to do their jobs.  While I was pushing, I could here him close to my ear cheering me on.  He is completely awesome!

We didn't have to wait long at all for a regular room.  As soon as they wheeled us in to our room, I ordered lunch.  I have no clue what I ate but I do remember having chocolate cake for dessert! Ha the things you remember.  Jeremy went and ate his lunch.  My sister-in-law came in with my nieces then later my mother-in-law came in.  During all this, I was feeling great even though my epidural was wearing off.  I honestly felt completely normal just tired.  I didn't have any pain at all! I didn't actually take any pain meds until later that night so I could hopefully get some sleep.  Olivia had slept that whole day only waking up to eat about a half of a bottle.  She did wake up a good bit that night but was easily calmed with a diaper change.  I didn't get much sleep between Olivia waking up and the nurses checking on me but I expected it.

The next day was filled with nurses checking out Olivia. My nurse came in and asked me if I would like to go home that day.....I was amazed!  I told I would love to go home today so she told my dr who discharged me by lunch.  We then had to wait until all of Olivia's tests were done so we just rested and enjoyed the day.  My parents and the boys came up for awhile that afternoon.  We finally got news that we were ready to go!  It was around 7-7:30 p.m. so we stopped and got Chinese take-out for dinner then headed home.  It was so wonderful to be home and especially special since my parents were still up until the next day!  We had a good night and Olivia even slept a 4 hour stretch.  My parents left the next day and our life began as a family of 5!

We have fully enjoyed Olivia since the moment she was born!  She is the perfect addition to our family.  She is just a beautiful creation.  We thank God for her and are trying our best to be the best parents for her. 

Thank you for reading!  Have a great night!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Olivia's birth story part 1

Today I am sharing the first part of Olivia's birth story.  This post tells about the few appointments and the day before Olivia's birth.  This post is mainly for my memory so it may be long winded.  Hope you enjoy if you decide to read!

My 2 monkeys love to leave me surprise pictures on my phone. lol I don't mind it when they turn out cute like this!

On November 28, I had a normal routine weekly check-up.  I was not effaced at all but I was 2 cm dialated, and my cervix was soft.  During my appointment, my dr asked if I wanted to be induced or wait until my due date to see if I would go into labor.  Since Olivia had a 2 vessel umbilical cord, my dr wasn't going to let me go past my due date.  I was so ready to get this pregnancy over with so I told her I was fine with scheduling an induction.  I left the apt really hoping my body would naturally go into labor since I wasn't looking forward to being induced.  I had been given the inducing medicene with Jonah to speed up my delivery since my body wasn't moving fast enough and I remember that pain.  I do not do well with pain so I wasn't looking forward to being induced at all but was ready to meet our sweet girl. Plus I had some friends tell me they had awful experiences with their inductions so I had mixed feelings about the whole thing.
3 days before my induction.  Jonah wanted a belly like mine.  I look awful since I'm still in my pjs...and not even cute ones.....but I am so thankful for this memory. :)
My hopes of my body going into labor on its own didn't happen.  Olivia wouldn't make her entrance into this world for almost 2 more weeks.  I went about my normal schedule but tried to walk more which wasn't a problem since I was nesting and trying to make sure I had everything ready plus I have 2 very active little boys.  I got our hospital bag packed and made sure the carseat and carseat base were all together ready to go.   My parents were both coming up to stay with the boys which was very exciting since my Dad hadn't been able to come up when Jonah and Tucker were born. We were all just on pins and needle waiting! I was super ready to meet my little Olivia which didn't help the time pass any quicker. 

This was the night before I was induced.  We were all waiting patiently for Grandma & Pop to get here.  Tucker tried his hardest to hold on but passed out. 
At my next weekly apt, DecemberI was between 2-3 cm and 40% effaced which was some improvement but not what I wanted to hear since I had been having contractions on and off a few days.  Dr. Kieth went ahead and checked her schedule for the next week since I was having an induction.  We set up the induction for the following Tuesday. I also set up my last pregnancy apt for the following Monday where they would do one last ultrasound to check baby girl again.   I was told to rest when really sore but try to walk and keep active to speed up the process.  I was still hoping my water would break like it did with Tucker but alas it didn't. 

This was the Saturday before my indcuction the following Tuesday.  We got season passes for the Greenville Zoo for Christmas (Thank you Mom and Dad!) so we took the boys since it was beautiful day.  It was our last family fun day of 4! We all had a blast and I was secretly hoping all the walking would bring Olivia but it didn't!

My last appointment, December 10, I went in very hopeful since I knew I would be having Olivia the next day.  We went to the ultrasound room and started checking Olivia.  The ultrasound tech checked everything but seemed to really be focusing on Olivia's chest.  She told me she wasn't seeing Olivia practice breathing like she should.  I had to adjust to lay on my side and she checked again.  Still didn't see it.  I adjusted to the other side.....still didn't see it.  I was given a small cup of water to drink but still nothing.  By this time I was getting very nervous but I knew God had Olivia in his hands so I was resting in that fact.  I hadn't eaten in a few hours so they told me to run and get some lunch and come right back.
 My Dr came in and told me if they didn't see her practice breath I would have to be admitted to the hospital for observation and then they would start the induction in the morning like planned as long as nothing changed.  I prayed as I walked out and left all my anxieties in God's hands since I knew he was in control anyways.  I was trying not to think about who would watch our boys since my parents wouldn't be here until late that evening.  My mother in law was watching them while I was at my appointment but I didn't know what she had planned the rest of the day.  I grabbed a burger then raced back to get another ultrasound.  Thankfully Olivia did right what she was supposed to do and everything else looked great. 

Boys and I enjoyed lots of time playing soaking up our last days without Olivia.  We tried our best to really just rest and enjoy each others company.

The rest of the day was spent cleaning and making sure things were ready for the next few days.  We were all SOOOOO EXCITED  to meet out new little addition.  I prayed a great deal that day for the induction and delivery coming the next day.  I knew God was in control and I tried to push aside my anxious feelings.  We enjoyed playing simple things at home since I was so huge and tired most of the time.  I was super ready to meet Olivia but was also very nervous as to how I was going to handle 3 littles 5 years and under. 

My parents got here around 10 pm that night.  The boys both tried theirbest to stay awake to see them but only Jonah succeeded.  We all got to bed around midnight. I slept pretty well considering I was so huge.  I had instructions to call the labor and delivery ward at the hospital at 5:45 a.m. so they could tell me when to come in. 

Part 2 coming soon..................


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Painting cookies

  I now feel like I am finally coming out of the new baby phase.......baby girl will be 4 months the 11th and is now sleeping between 8-12 hours....HALLELUAH!!!! Now if I could just get her brother's to cooperate this Momma would be completely refreshed but alas I doubt that will happen for awhile.  During these past few months, I have done a few small crafts mostly for Olivia's room (blogpost coming soon on her room) but have no desire to do anything else. 

My sweet Olivia.  Love those smiles!
Since I am feeling more normal, I have been dying to get back to crafting.  My oldest son, Jonah, would draw, paint, or do anything crafty all day long if i let him.  My youngest son, Tucker, will do it for a few minutes and he's done.  It may be because he is only 2 1/2 but he would rather tear the paper off of crayons than draw with them. Jonah also loves to help me bake/cook in the kitchen so I try to think of fun stuff we can make together.  I honestly don't let him help me as much as i should in the kitchen because I already have so much to clean but I need to.  I want my boys to have a love for cooking like my husband.  I love that husband loves to cook for us and he is amazing at it. 

Jonah and Tucker.  They drew mustaches on themselves with markers.  Ugh at last it was just on their faces!!!

I had this craving for a frosted sugar cookie last week and went ahead and baked some.  I wanted to do something Easter themed as well so I dyed the frosting with the only colors I had...yellow, blue, and green.  I used the Firecracker cookie recipe from the Martha Stewart Living magazine.  I found the recipe here: http://redcouchrecipes.blogspot.com/2011/06/furecracker-cookies.html and used this recipe for the royal icing:  http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Glossy-Royal-Icing/Detail.aspx.  I only made half of each but wish I would have made more! While I was baking the cookies, I was trying to figure out how the boys could decorate them without too much of a huge mess.  They have a little frosting decorating kit with a few piping bags and tips but I really wasn't sure where it was so I thought what about using paint brushes and painting them.  It worked great!!

All you need is a few never used or really clean paint brushes, frosting....divided into your colors if desired, and your cookies.  I would also suggest some coverings on your table like a paper towel, wax paper, or a plate.  I sat the boys down beside each other and gave them each a cookie on their paper towel.  The paints were right in between them.  I also had a cup of water to rinse the brushes from each brush in between painting.  It's basically just like painting a picture just using food! 

**I apologize for the blurry pictures: I didn't plan on blogging about this and only had my phone available for pictures.**

Jonah with a few of his painted cookies.  He painted all except for one.  He painted each cookie for a different family member. I didn't have the heart to tell him we wouldn't be seeing any of them before the cookies were gone.  He was so proud of his work!

All the finished cookies.   A few of them looked like the earth with the blue and green. I loved how Jonah did them.  We had more to paint but Tucker kept eating them. :)

I love watching Tucker concentrate on his work.  He gets so focused he doesn't have a clue what's going on around him.  But since he's 2 it doesn't last long.  The cookie in this picture was the only cookie he actually painted.  He ate a few but that was enough painting for him.

After the cookies were painted, I just let them dry then we enjoyed them.  This was such a simple and not too messy edible craft/activity that we will definitely be doing it again.  I didn't get a chance to paint any but want to try it the next time we do it! 

Let me know if you try it and like it! It really is fun and easy. Have a blessed night!

I am linking up to: 

Skip To My Lou

Monday, April 1, 2013

I'm back and a little introduction of Miss Priss....

I'm back!!!! After 5 months, finally starting to feel normal and halfway on top of things.  I tried to prepare myself for the craziness of having 3 kids 5 yrs and under, 2 of them being boys. but as you can all imagine, I failed miserably! lol There is no way to prepare yourself fully for children let alone more than one.  But I can honestly say through all the crazy times, I am happy! I may not love all the cleaning and noise and drama of my children but I am SO BLESSED to be their Momma! I do not take this job lightly and I strive to make myself the best I can be even though somedays thats just being in my pjs all day and feeding them peanut butter sandwiches and cereal. 
So now that I am done rambling about my life, I would like to introduce the newest addition to our little Pressley family:
Meet Olivia Michelle Pressley! She is truly the sweetest little thing and the easiest baby ever.  She joined our family on December 11 and it has been so great watching her grow and watching our family love on her.  She is truly the perfect addition to our family.
Here are a few pictures and facts from the past few months:

1 day old.  Slept pretty much the entire time we were at the hospital.  I just love her sweet little, long wrinkly feet.  Her little toes almost bend all the way over to the bottom of her foot.

2 days old.  Headed to the dr to check her birth weight.

Born December 11, 2012
7lbs 7 oz, 21 inches long
Dark brown hair and dark blue eyes.  She was a good sleeper from the start! Didn't eat much while we were in the hospital but once we got home started eating every 3 hours on the dot.  She has loved being on a schedule from the start.   
Olivia on her first Christmas! She was a little shy of 2 weeks old.  We had a nice quiet Christmas at our house this year....first one where we hadn't gone to Summerville with my family since we were married.  We celebrated with Jeremy's Mom and Step-dad's family on Christmas eve with lots of family.  Olivia was passed around like crazy but handled it like a pro. 
Olivia's first little photo shoot with me.  lol She did great and slept almost the whole shoot which worked out good.
A week old.  Love those newborn stretches!

A little over a week old.  I just sit and stare at her when I can.  Seriously, who wouldn't????
These two are such friends already.  Jonah takes his role as big brother and protector very seriously toward Olivia.  He can make her stop crying when I can't.  He has been the best big brother.  I can just feel the love when he looks at her.  Melts my Momma heart. :)  Tucker on the other hand completely ignores her.  lol Bless his heart.
One month old.  10.2 lbs and 22 inches long.  Growing great.  She is still such an easy baby.  As long as she is fed and changed, she is usually quiet.  She does spit up a bit but nothing major.  Still very scheduled but we like it that way. :)  Drinks 4 ounces every 3-4 hours. 
Sweet, sweet smiles at Grandma

My 3 monkeys

2nd photo shoot.  This is the onesie I made her a few months ago.

Mommy had to sneak in :)

2 months old.  13.15 lbs, 23 inches long.  Started seeing some sweet, sweet smiles! Discovered she has a dimple on her right cheek.  Still an amazing baby.  We got her room set up and she LOVES her crib.  Likes to put herself to sleep if she lasts past drinking her bottle.  Starting sleeping a few 5 hour stretches.

1st Easter! We went to church on Friday night and it was awesome.  We celebrated on Sunday at our house with Jeremy's brother's family and his Dad.  Enjoyed a wonderful smoked ham and an egg hunt with our cousins. 
Me and my girl.  Love all the big headbands and bows she gets to wear!

Sweetest little sister.  Love her little arm rolls....she has leg rolls too.  :)

Blurry but caught a smile. Playing at Nona and Poppa's.

March 11: 3 months old.  I am guessing she weights about 15 lbs.  Still an amazing easy baby.  Usually happy as long as she's fed and clean.  I started using cloth diapers on her an she's doing great with them.  Also she is sleeping between 8-12 hours a night depending on what's going on that day.  She is still very strict to her schedule and likes to be in bed between 7-8 pm.  She has been drinking almost 6 ounces about every 4-5 hours now.  Such a happy girl! Blows bubbles with her lips now.....so cute.  She also loves to be talked to and craves attention.
Well that's all for now! Hopefully I can get back to posting on a semi-regular basis at least once a month.  I will be posting her birth story soon so look for that. 
Hope you are all having a blessed day!!!